Not everyone is that much lucky to have a perfectly fine physical health and there are people who have to use different types of aids for watching, listening and even walking etc. Such especially abled people who cannot make it happen to walk without different walking aids are the topic of discussion here. There are so many people who are using wheelchair and other wheelchair communities who cannot step out without having their wheelchair. We will learn their tips and experiences for using a wheelchair and its alternatives if possible here.

What is the Role of a Wheelchair for a Differently Abled Person?

A wheelchair is a support for those who cannot walk and move by using their body muscles or bone or we can say combo of both. A differently abled person who is having an injury in the spinal cord might find it impossible to walk around naturally with a minor support and thus a wheelchair plays a crucial role in such circumstances. Similarly severe fracture in the leg bone can cause huge discomfort and reduce the chances of moving freely or with support for such person and wheelchair is a crucial aid to locomote for him or her.

How Function of a Wheelchair Differs to that of a Walker?

There are mainly two moving or walking aids that are used by people in majority which includes a walker and a wheelchair. Both of them have their unique role to play for facilitating the process of walking for the differently abled people or those who have met an accident. The walker gives a support to the person who can walk but lame a bit. On the contrary a wheelchair is used for an entirely different purpose like giving full support to the body which in unable to move otherwise. A person using wheelchair cannot make it happen to stand freely without using a wheelchair. So both of them have a different purpose. The questions like can you use a walker as a wheelchair thus find no grounds.

What Does Wheelchair Community Suggests About Using Wheelchairs?

The people who are using wheelchair gives different tips for its usage like it is important to check the components of a wheelchair before you pick it for using. Always try to improve your body movement and get rid of the wheelchair and do not get habitual to it. Maintain a proper posture for using a wheelchair. Choose a wheelchair that gives you maximum comfort as sometimes you have to spend a lot of time on it.

Is it Possible to Use a Walker as a Substitute of Wheelchair?

There are so many people who are constantly struggling to find out the answer for their inquisitiveness that whether a walker can be used as a wheelchair or not. Well it is very clear from the above discussion that role of a walker and wheelchair is very different and one cannot use it interchangeable for each other. Although a wheelchair can be used by a person who is lame but it makes him more confined than a walker. But using a walker for those who needs wheelchair is not possible and it may injure the person who is trying to substitute it.


So these are the main tips and tricks that we can understand through the experiences of those who are using these wheelchairs and walkers on the regular basis to assist their locomotion. It should be kept in mind that always consult your doctor about your requirement and then pick a moving aid accordingly rather than deciding on your own.